The Antique & Classic Boat Society, Inc. is an International organization based in Clayton, New York with 52 US and Canadian chapters existing today. The ACBS was formed in 1975, and has grown substantially year by year. Membership in the ACBS International organization, which is mandatory for chapter members, brings with it a vastly widened access to fellow enthusiasts and their projects through an International membership roster, indexed by member name, manufacturer of boats owned, boat type, and chapter affiliation. In addition to chapter publications, members receive a quarterly magazine (The Rudder) from the International organization, containing a wealth of useful information. It is not necessary to own a boat to be a member.
To join ACBS and the Thousand Islands Chapter, please use this link.
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ACBS Boat Classifications
- Historic: Any boat built up to and including 1918.
- Antique: Any boat built between 1919 and 1942, inclusive.
- Classic: Any boat built between 1943 and 1975, inclusive.
- Late Classic: Any boat built after 1975 through the year 25 years prior to the current year.
- Contemporary: Any wooden boat built within the last 25 years.