Congratulations to the Boat Show Winners!
Andy Rae Memorial for Outstanding Craftmanship – “Geraldine” owned by Joe Sabo
John Wells Memorial for Historic Preservation – “Night Rider” owned by Edward McNally
Best of Show – “The Ark” owned by Jim Holden
Best Antique – “Bon Papa” owned by JoAnn Schwalm
Best Classic Boat (1943-1975) – “River Winds” owned by Tony Mollica
Best Utility – “Quarters” owned by Bud Ames
Best Runabout – “Sassy” owned by Stuart Clough
Best Chris Craft – “Friendship” owned by Howard William
Best Lyman – “Belacque” owned by Tony Mollica
Best Hutchinson – “Vagabond King” owned by Andrew McNally
Best Garwood – “Que Sara” owned by John Peach
Best Canadian Built Boat – “Lady Gilbert” owned by Brian Knudsen
Best Cruiser – “Lizzy” owned by Tony Mollica
Best Launch – “Lady Gilbert” owned by Brian Knudsen
Best Outboard – Steve and Diane Rutigliano
Best Late Contemporary – “Real Class” owned by Calvin Carter
Judges Choice – “Hotsy Totsy” owned by Pat and Sheila Chaps
Best Fiberglass – “Pilar”
People’s Choice – “Geraldine” owned by Joe Sabo